Hold a Party
Coffee? Tea? Cocktail?
You can hold a party and collect books, raise funds to buy the bookcase, bookmarks and Family Change set of books and support children in your local refuge. So what do you need to do? We’ve put some ideas below to help you sort out your perfect party.
Settle down with a cuppa and plan your event…
Plan what sort of event you want to host, decide on a suitable date and venue.
Invite everyone to join in the fun
Once you have your plans in place, send out invitations. You may want to put up posters, send messages on social media, email, post invites or simply chat to people about it. We have event posters to download, invites online or even a template press release to help get your event in your local media. We can even provide a lovely cup cake recipe!
Set your fundraising goal
Setting yourself a target will help motivate everyone to do what they can to maximise the donations.
£10 buys a Family Change book, £30 buys a bookcase, £180 buys a whole set of Family Change books and £260 puts the bookcase and Family Change set complete with bookmarks into a refuge.
Some extra fundraising ideas….
And Relax
Once everything is in place – venue decorated, roles handed out and cakes baked – you can sit back and enjoy a well deserved cuppa, cake and catch up. A fantastic feel good way to get together with friends.
And afterwards
Please remember to send in your donation as soon as possible along with any photos or stories from your event. We would love to see how your event went. With your permission we would love to put a selection of photos of your events on our website.